Sorry, bumped old thread.
But any ROM codes cause ROM error around middle level.
In the official database based on 0.264, the following are ROM codes.
- Hit Anywhere
- Select Player Speed
- Select Shot Speed
Also Wayder's database has ROM code called "Always get 100%".
Someone post about ROM error for 1942 with cheat.
Original poster misunderstand. It's not any BUGs. in-game ROM check routine detects that ROM is tampering by cheat system. So it's correct behavior.
Solution is simple, you don't use any ROM codes or disable in-game ROM check routine.
I post the codes based on the latter thinking.
Code: Select all
<cheat desc="Skip In-game ROM Check">
<script state="on">
<action>temp0 = maincpu.mb@711A</action>
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.mb@711A = 18</action>
<script state="off">
<action>maincpu.mb@711A = temp0</action>
1942a.xml, 1942abl.xml, 1942h.xml, 1942b.xml, 1942p.xml, 1942iti.xml
Code: Select all
<cheat desc="Skip In-game ROM Check">
<script state="on">
<action>temp0 = maincpu.mb@711E</action>
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.mb@711E = 18</action>
<script state="off">
<action>maincpu.mb@711E = temp0</action>
Code: Select all
<cheat desc="Skip In-game ROM Check">
<script state="on">
<action>temp0 = maincpu.mb@7134</action>
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.mb@7134 = 18</action>
<script state="off">
<action>maincpu.mb@7134 = temp0</action>