Method for importing cheats to HazeMD from gameshark code?

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Method for importing cheats to HazeMD from gameshark code?

Post by Majestic_Lizard »

I'm using HazeMD32 v0.12a. It is compatible with the current cheats for HazeMD.

In the Fusion emulator, you can load a game shark or pro action replay code and view a part of the address.
For instance, in Arcus Odyssey the code FDNA-ALXG has the following address: 00D866:4528.

A code for a different game, Arrow Flash, has the following format for HazeMD:
:g_arro:00200000:E01803:00010002:FFFFFFFF:Invincibility:Can't use a shield at the same time

I thought it might be possible to import the Arcus Odyssy Cheat into the cheat database by altering the values to reflect the address I found in the Fusion emulator.

Obviously, it didn't work. But is there a way to do this?
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Re: Method for importing cheats to HazeMD from gameshark cod

Post by Pugsy »

Game Shark cheats are ROM cheats, PAR cheats are RAM cheats. So FDNA-ALXG is a ROM cheat and this should work

:g_arcu:20900000:00D866:00004528:FFFFFFFF:Cheat Name

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