[akamj] Aka Mahjong
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2024 2:50 pm
akamj was added in 0.270.
RAM codes collection. No updated my database about the following codes.
ROM codes collection though WIP. Updated my database about the following codes.
RAM codes collection. No updated my database about the following codes.
Code: Select all
<!-- Aka Mahjong (Double Bet) -->
<mamecheat version="1">
<cheat desc="infinite credits">
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.pd@72E5 = 3F3F3F3F</action>
<cheat desc="clear credits now">
<script state="on">
<action>maincpu.pd@72E5 = 00000000</action>
<cheat desc="infinite bets">
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.pw@7030 = 3F3F</action>
<cheat desc="winning hand">
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.pq@7001 = 3A3A3A3232313131</action>
<action>maincpu.pd@7009 = 3C3B3B3B </action>
<action>maincpu.pw@700D = 3C3C </action>
<cheat desc="infinite thinking time">
<script state="run">
<action>maincpu.pb@7314 = FF</action>
<script state="off">
<action>maincpu.pb@7314 = 00</action>
<cheat desc="watch all 14 tiles - player">
<script state="run">
<output format="player : %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X">
<argument count="14">maincpu.pb@(7001 + argindex)</argument>
<cheat desc="watch all 14 tiles - cpu">
<script state="run">
<output format="cpu : %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X">
<argument count="14">maincpu.pb@(700F + argindex)</argument>
Code: Select all
<!-- Aka Mahjong (Double Bet) -->
<mamecheat version="1">
<cheat desc="winning hand">
<script state="on">
<action>maincpu.mw@2EDC = 6690 </action> <!-- tsumo -->
<action>maincpu.md@2ABD = CD669ECD </action> <!-- ron -->
<action>maincpu.mq@6690 = 0E0170011166A421</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@6698 = 3C3E3E3CC3B0ED00</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66A0 = 32313131C9700E32</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66A8 = 3C3B3B3B3A3A3A32</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66B0 = 0000000000003C3C</action>
6690 | 21 A4 66 : ld hl,$66A4 // tsumo
6693 | 11 01 70 : ld de,$7001
6696 | 01 0E 00 : ld bc,$000E
6699 | ED B0 : ldir
669B | C3 3C 3E : jp $3E3C
669E | 3E 3C : ld a,$3C // ron
66A0 | 32 0E 70 : ld ($700E),a
66A3 | C9 : ret
66A4 - 66B1 : tile table
<script state="off">
<action>maincpu.mw@2EDC = 3E3C </action>
<action>maincpu.md@2ABD = CD700E32 </action>
<action>maincpu.mq@6690 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@6698 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66A0 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66A8 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66B0 = 0000000000000000</action>
<cheat desc="sound test mode">
<!-- valid sound codes seem to be 0x02 - 0x11 -->
<comment>reset the game (F3) to enter sound test mode</comment>
<script state="on">
<action>maincpu.mw@1DBF = 66C0 </action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66C0 = 708F3A0036700021</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66C8 = 012081FEF92847B8</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66D0 = 83FE34012082FE35</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66D8 = 84FE0618F03E0420</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66E0 = FE787786103E0520</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66E8 = 86FE06187E032085</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66F0 = 18730F32FF3E0520</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66F8 = 00000000000000CC</action>
66C0 | 21 00 70 : ld hl,$7000 // sound code address
66C3 | 36 00 : ld (hl),$00 // initialize sound code
66C5 | 3A 8F 70 : ld a,($708F) // read input
66C8 | B8 : cp b
66C9 | 47 : ld b,a
66CA | 28 F9 : jr z,$66C5
66CC | FE 81 : cp $81
66CE | 20 01 : jr nz,$66D1
66D0 | 35 : dec (hl) // decrease code -01
66D1 | FE 82 : cp $82
66D3 | 20 01 : jr nz,$66D6
66D5 | 34 : inc (hl) // increase code +01
66D6 | FE 83 : cp $83
66D8 | 20 04 : jr nz,$66DE
66DA | 3E F0 : ld a,$F0 // decrease code -10
66DC | 18 06 : jr $66E4
66DE | FE 84 : cp $84
66E0 | 20 05 : jr nz,$66E7
66E2 | 3E 10 : ld a,$10 // increase code +10
66E4 | 86 : add a,(hl)
66E5 | 77 : ld (hl),a
66E6 | 78 : ld a,b
66E7 | FE 85 : cp $85
66E9 | 20 03 : jr nz,$66EE
66EB | 7E : ld a,(hl) // play sound
66EC | 18 06 : jr $66F4
66EE | FE 86 : cp $86
66F0 | 20 05 : jr nz,$66F7
66F2 | 3E FF : ld a,$FF // stop sound
66F4 | 32 0F 73 : ld ($730F),a // send sound code
66F7 | 18 CC : jr $66C5
<script state="run">
<output format="----- sound test mode -----" line="10" align="center" />
<output format="A : decrease code -01" line="11" align="center" />
<output format="B : increase code +01" line="12" align="center" />
<output format="C : decrease code -10" line="13" align="center" />
<output format="D : increase code +10" line="14" align="center" />
<output format="E : play sound" line="15" align="center" />
<output format="F : stop sound" line="16" align="center" />
<output format="----------------------------" line="17" align="center" />
<output format="<< sound code %02X >>" line="19" align="center" >
<script state="off">
<action>maincpu.mw@1DBF = 1DE2 </action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66C0 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66C8 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66D0 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66D8 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66E0 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66E8 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66F0 = 0000000000000000</action>
<action>maincpu.mq@66F8 = 0000000000000000</action>