Code: Select all
<cheat desc="no inertia (test)">
<script state="on">
<action> = ddb780cd</action>
<action> = afb780cd</action>
<action> = cd04206fcbeb633a</action>
<action> = dd0077ddafc9051c</action>
<action> = ffffc90277dd0177</action>
b780 | 3a 63 eb : ld a,($EB63)
b783 | cb 6f : bit 5,a
b785 | 20 04 : jr nz,$B78B
b787 | cd 1c 05 : call $051C
b78a | c9 : ret
b78b | af : xor a
b78c | dd 77 00 : ld (ix+$00),a
b78f | dd 77 01 : ld (ix+$01),a
b792 | dd 77 02 : ld (ix+$02),a
b795 | c9 : ret
<script state="off">
<action> = dd051ccd</action>
<action> = af051ccd</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
"no inertia" : add new as test code because inertia works during holding button 2.
Code: Select all
<cheat desc="direct turn">
<script state="on">
<action> = 01b760cd</action>
<action> = e62feb633ab77121</action>
<action> = c9eaf0327e6f850f</action>
<action> = 0a0e0cff0800ffff</action>
<action> = ffffffff060204ff</action>
b760 | 21 71 b7 : ld hl,$B771
b763 | 3a 63 eb : ld a,($EB63)
b766 | 2f : cpl
b767 | e6 0f : and $0F
b769 | 85 : add a,l
b76a | 6f : ld l,a
b76b | 7e : ld a,(hl)
b76c | 32 f0 ea : ld ($EAF0),a
b76f | c9 : ret
b770 - b7bb : input/direction conversion table
input direction
01 00 : up
02 08 : down
04 0c : left
05 0e : upper-left
06 0a : lower-left
08 04 : right
09 02 : upper-right
0a 06 : lower-right
<script state="off">
<action> = 01eaf032</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
<action> = ffffffffffffffff</action>
"direct turn" : add new.
Code: Select all
<cheat desc="sound test mode">
<comment>reset the game (F3) to enter sound test mode</comment>
<script state="on">
<action> = cd7de0c3</action>
<action> = 47b8c0003ae20021</action>
<action> = fe350120fbfef928</action>
<action> = 0420fdfe340120f7</action>
<action> = 0520fefe0618f03e</action>
<action> = 20effe787786103e</action>
<action> = dffe07185e801605</action>
<action> = 020bcd82ff110620</action>
<action> = 000000000000c618</action>
7de0 | 21 00 e2 : ld hl,$E200 // sound code address
7de3 | 3a 00 c0 : ld a,($C000) // read input
7de6 | b8 : cp b
7de7 | 47 : ld b,a
7de8 | 28 f9 : jr z,$7DE3
7dea | fe fb : cp $FB
7dec | 20 01 : jr nz,$7DEF
7dee | 35 : dec (hl) // decrease code -01
7def | fe f7 : cp $F7
7df1 | 20 01 : jr nz,$7DF4
7df3 | 34 : inc (hl) // increase code +01
7df4 | fe fd : cp $FD
7df6 | 20 04 : jr nz,$7DFC
7df8 | 3e f0 : ld a,$F0 // decrease code -10
7dfa | 18 06 : jr $7E02
7dfc | fe fe : cp $FE
7dfe | 20 05 : jr nz,$7E05
7e00 | 3e 10 : ld a,$10 // increase code +10
7e02 | 86 : add a,(hl)
7e03 | 77 : ld (hl),a
7e04 | 78 : ld a,b
7e05 | fe ef : cp $EF
7e07 | 20 05 : jr nz,$7E0E
7e09 | 16 80 : ld d,$80 // play sound
7e0b | 5e : ld e,(hl)
7e0c | 18 07 : jr $7E15
7e0e | fe df : cp $DF
7e10 | 20 06 : jr nz,$7E18
7e12 | 11 ff 82 : ld de,$82FF // stop sound
7e15 | cd 0b 02 : call $020B // send sound code
7e18 | 18 c6 : jr $7DE0
<script state="run">
<output format="----- fail gate sound test mode -----" line="10" align="center" />
<output format="left : decrease code -01" line="11" align="center" />
<output format="right : increase code +01" line="12" align="center" />
<output format="down : decrease code -10" line="13" align="center" />
<output format="up : increase code +10" line="14" align="center" />
<output format="button 1 : play sound" line="15" align="center" />
<output format="button 2 : stop sound" line="16" align="center" />
<output format="----------------------------" line="17" align="center" />
<output format="<< sound code %2.2X >>" line="19" align="center" >
<script state="off">
<action> = cd82ff11</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
<action> = 0000000000000000</action>
"sound test mode" : rewrite routine. add up/down key (code ±10).