This forum is the archive of arcade cheats that have already been added to the current or the next release of the cheat file.
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Post by Pugsy »

I thought as there has been a release I'd start this thread again, perhaps there will be some renewed interest ;-)

Code: Select all

;*                                                                            *
;*                                                                            *
; The following games do not yet have cheats (Infinite Credits does NOT count as
; a cheat) for at least one of the following reasons (not all reasons will be
; used at any one time):-
; 1.  The game has not yet been properly emulated by MAME or it crashes when
;    I try to play it :-(. Some games which are broken still have cheats -
;    however, if it's NOT properly emulated and no good cheats could be found
;    then reason 1 will be quoted over all other reasons. I also use this reason
;    if I can't figure out the control method or it's too awkward for me to
;    waste time figuring out.
; 2.  I don't know what cheats to find as the game is hard to understand and is
;    perhaps in a another tongue - eg Japanese (not including Mahjong games though).
;    Or the the game doesn't appear suitable for cheat finding.
; 3.  This is a Mahjong game - I don't do Mahjong games. I'll leave cheat finding on these
;    games to other people. In fact if the game's got Mahjong in the title, this reason
;    will be quoted above all others apart from reason 1.
; 4.  I've got cheat(s) for the game but I haven't had chance to test them or redo
;    the cheat description(s).
; 5.  The game was added or fixed in one of the last versions and I haven't had chance
;    to find any cheats yet. If there is no reason quoted, then it is for this
;    reason.
; 6.  There are some cheats for this game but they are either Infinite Credits or some
;    comment cheats - not 'normally' enough to remove them from this section.
; 7.  I've had a quick look at this game and it seems suitable for cheat finding,
;    there's RAM set up - but even a simple search for an Infinite Lives cheat
;    didn't turn up any cheats after whittling down the locations.... These can
;    be taken as a challenge!!!
; 8.  Although it is possible to find cheats for this game, unfortunately the cheats
;    are not constant. IE The next time you load the game (or even reset it) the
;    cheat locations will have changed. This effects a LOT of games, occasionally it
;    is possible to find the odd cheat though as some locations maybe constant. This
;    dynamic memory location problem is quite prevalent in neo-geo fighter games - and
;    there maybe some cheats in the cheat file that don't work and this will be the most
;    likely cause. Relative Address (dynamic memory) Cheats can be often be found for
;    these but it involves a bit more time to find them, this has been put on the backburner.
; 9.  The game was not in the last official releasable beta binary, some of these
;    'unofficial' games have cheats (Metal Slug 4), but this reason is primarily
;    for games that are playable and are likely to make it to a beta binary
;    release soon. This reason will be rarely used, especially if MAME keeps it release
;    rate up!
; 10. Nobody has submitted any cheats for this game and I am so sick and tired of this
;    genre I can't motivate myself to find any cheats for this game. However, I
;    would expect it to be any easy game to find cheats for and you only have to look
;    at games of the same genre to find out which cheats can be found (eg. for baseball
;    games look at another baseball game).
; 11.  I haven't had chance to look at the game for one reason or another -
;    A GET OUT! ;-) I may have had a look at the game in the past but I can't
;    remember - I will use this reason in that case too. I'll only use this reason
;    if none of the other reasons fit. Expect to see this reason a lot if the cheat
;    file doesn't get updated often enough..

; bbprot    [ Untitled Fighter 'BB' (prototype) ] <-----------------[Reason  1]
; catapult  [ Catapult ] <------------------------------------------[Reason  1]
; crusnw13  [ Cruis'n World (rev L1.3) ] <--------------------------[Reason  1]
; dondenmj  [ Don Den Mahjong [BET] (Japan) ] <---------------------[Reason  3]
; greenber  [ Green Beret (Irem) ] <--------------------------------[Reason  1]
; hanaroku  [ Hanaroku ] <------------------------------------------[Reason  2]
; harddrvc  [ Hard Drivin' (compact) ]
; hayaosi1  [ Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen ] <----------------------[Reason  5]
; hdrivaip  [ Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype, early rev) ]
; hdrivair  [ Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype) ]
; hnfubuki  [ Hana Fubuki [BET] (Japan) ] <-------------------------[Reason  5]
; hnkochou  [ Hana Kochou [BET] (Japan) ] <-------------------------[Reason  5]
; korinai   [ Mahjong-zukino Korinai Menmen (Japan 880425) ] <--[Reason 4 &  3] (though still needs the standard mahjong cheats!)
; majs101b  [ Mahjong Studio 101 [BET] (Japan) ] <------------------[Reason  3]
; mjikaga   [ Mahjong Ikaga Desu ka (Japan) ] <------------------[Reason 3 & 1]
; mjkjidai  [ Mahjong Kyou Jidai (Japan) ] <------------------------[Reason  3]
; racedriv  [ Race Drivin' (cockpit) ]
; racedrv3  [ Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) ]
; racedrvc  [ Race Drivin' (compact) ]
; sundance  [ Sundance ] <------------------------------------------[Reason  1]
; suzume    [ Watashiha Suzumechan (Japan) ] <-------------------[Reason 3 & 1] {seems to be a Mahjong gambling game - days hopefully numbered)
; sws95     [ Super World Stadium '95 (Japan) ]
; targeth   [ Target Hits ] <---------------------------------------[Reason  1]
; thoop2    [ TH Strikes Back ] <-----------------------------------[Reason  1]

;Possible clone relationship for games with no cheats
List updated 1/1/2004
Last edited by Pugsy on Sat Apr 17, 2004 5:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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[tp2m32] cheats

Post by Pugsy »

Credits and thanks for these cheats go to Dave Haywood (Haze), I've done a 'bit' of tidying up and here they are. You are probably gonna have to wait for MAME 0.68 with me though as the game doesn't work in 0.67 as it stands.

Code: Select all

; [ Tetris Plus 2 (MegaSystem 32 Version) ]
tp2m32:0:FEE0C454:63:000:Infinite Credits
tp2m32:0:FEE1639C:00:000:Infinite Time
tp2m32:0:FEE16398:00:500:Infinite Time (2/2)
tp2m32:0:FEE14284:05:000:Crusher Always at Top
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[                                                ]
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[ This cheat is for use in the Puzzle Mode ONLY! ]
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[                                                ]
tp2m32:0:FEE1606C:03:000:Infinite Bombs
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[                                                ]
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[ These PL1 cheats are for use in the ALL Modes  ]
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[ The PL2 cheats are for use in the VS mode ONLY!]
tp2m32:0:00000000:00:999:[                                                ]
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:00:000:Next shape always the Red -- shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:01:000:Next shape always the Yellow square shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:02:000:Next shape always the Light Blue T shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:03:000:Next shape always the Dark Blue L shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:04:000:Next shape always the Orange L shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:05:000:Next shape always the Green Z shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:06:000:Next shape always the Purple Z shape PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:00:001:Next shape is the Red -- shape Now! PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:01:001:Next shape is the Yellow square shape Now!PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:02:001:Next shape is the Light Blue T shape Now! PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:03:001:Next shape is the Dark Blue L shape Now! PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:04:001:Next shape is the Orange L shape Now! PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:05:001:Next shape is the Green Z shape Now! PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13A10:06:001:Next shape is the Purple Z shape Now! PL1
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:00:000:Next shape always the Red -- shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:01:000:Next shape always the Yellow square shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:02:000:Next shape always the Light Blue T shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:03:000:Next shape always the Dark Blue L shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:04:000:Next shape always the Orange L shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:05:000:Next shape always the Green Z shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:06:000:Next shape always the Purple Z shape PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:00:001:Next shape is the Red -- shape Now! PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:01:001:Next shape is the Yellow square shape Now!PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:02:001:Next shape is the Light Blue T shape Now! PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:03:001:Next shape is the Dark Blue L shape Now! PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:04:001:Next shape is the Orange L shape Now! PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:05:001:Next shape is the Green Z shape Now! PL2
tp2m32:0:FEE13B50:06:001:Next shape is the Purple Z shape Now! PL2

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Post by Tourniquet »

; Should be 0x0C iirc. Ooops. I kept meaning to change it and forgot :)

Code: Select all

vcircle:0:120051FF:0C:000:Play as Waryar PL1
vcircle:0:12005173:0C:000:Play as Waryar PL2
; Spent ages in the debugger. I am now mildly familiar with the R3000 :)
This time cheat works much more normally.

Code: Select all

:vcircle:00300000:1203DF20:00000200:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Energy PL1
:vcircle:00300001:1203DF20:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Drain all Energy Now! PL1:(Use AFTER fight start!)
:vcircle:00100000:1203DEC6:00000BE8:FFFFFFFF:Max Berzerker PL1
:vcircle:00300000:1203DFA8:00000200:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Energy PL2
:vcircle:00300001:1203DFA8:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Drain all Energy Now! PL2:(Use AFTER fight start!)
:vcircle:00100001:1203DF4E:00000BE8:FFFFFFFF:Max Berzerker PL2
:vcircle:00300000:1200523C:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Time
:vcircle:00300001:1200523C:00000AA0:FFFFFFFF:Time Up Now!
Added Berzerker and Drain now cheats.
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[tetrisp] Cheats

Post by Tourniquet »

No piece cheats, you need to build up a piece by defining each block in a shape (and clearing the others :). And for each rotation iirc. If anyone wants the addresses just shout..

Oh, and the level choice cheats are a bit suss. I added the second part so it would happen instantly rather than waiting for the next level-up. But it messes up if you try to go down sometimes. So you might want to just leave that out.

Code: Select all

; [ Tetris Plus ]
tetrisp:0:FEE0C010:63:000:Infinite Credits
tetrisp:0:FEE0CBE4:03:000:Blocks Never Fall PL1
tetrisp:0:FEE0DB38:03:000:Blocks Never Fall PL2
:tetrisp:60000000:00000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[     Normal Mode     ]
:tetrisp:00100301:FEE0CCF8:00000063:FFFFFFFF:Select Level PL1:Don't Level Down, Only Up or may Freeze!
:tetrisp:00110001:FEE0CDF8:0000FFF8:FFFFFFFF:Select Level PL1 (2/2)
:tetrisp:00100000:FEE0CDF8:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Never Level Up PL1
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0CCF4:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Lines PL1
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0CD00:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Single Lines PL1
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0CD04:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Double Lines PL1
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0CD08:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Triple Lines PL1
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0CD0C:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Tetris Lines PL1
:tetrisp:00100301:FEE0DC4C:00000063:FFFFFFFF:Select Level PL2:Don't Level Down, Only Up or may Freeze!
:tetrisp:00110001:FEE0DD4C:0000FFF8:FFFFFFFF:Select Level PL2 (2/2)
:tetrisp:00100000:FEE0DD4C:00000000:FFFFFFFF:Never Level Up PL2
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0DC48:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Lines PL2
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0DC54:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Single Lines PL2
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0DC58:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Double Lines PL2
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0DC5C:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Triple Lines PL2
:tetrisp:00100101:FEE0DC60:0000270F:FFFFFFFF:Select Tetris Lines PL2
:tetrisp:60000000:00000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[    Puzzle/VS Mode    ]
:tetrisp:00100000:FEE0CD88:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Spikes Never Descend PL1
:tetrisp:00110000:FEE0CD8C:00000257:FFFFFFFF:Spikes Never Descend PL1 (2/2)
:tetrisp:00100001:FEE0CD88:0000000E:FFFFFFFF:Kill PL1 Now!
:tetrisp:00100000:FEE0DCDC:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Spikes Never Descend PL2
:tetrisp:00110000:FEE0DCE0:00000257:FFFFFFFF:Spikes Never Descend PL2 (2/2)
:tetrisp:00100001:FEE0DCDC:0000000E:FFFFFFFF:Kill PL2 Now!
:tetrisp:60000000:00000000:00000000:FFFFFFFF:[     VS Mode Only     ]
:tetrisp:00000009:FEE0CF1C:00000001:00000008:Attack PL1 Now!:Keep Hitting To Increase
:tetrisp:00000009:FEE0DE70:00000001:00000008:Attack PL2 Now!:Keep Hitting To Increase
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Post by Tourniquet »

I'm afraid todays submission is pretty rubbish. I've spent quite a while on it and had to give up.
The Infinite Energy cheat is a just a NOP on the following code in RAM.

Code: Select all

000B4EC: LDI   *+AR5(68),R1
000B4ED: CMPI  R0,R1
000B4EE: BGT   $00B4F6
000B4F6: SUBRI *+AR5(68),R0
000B4F7: STI   R0,*+AR5(68)
000B4F7: NOP   R0
Which means it affects both players :(

I can't do a relative address cheat for two reasons.
1. The index moves too, they are stored at the top of RAM, but you need a pointer to the pointer..
2. The TMS32031 uses DWORD addressing, so I need to multiply the address taken from above by 4 at some stage.

Code: Select all

:wargods:00000000:000E884:0000005B:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Time
:wargods:00B00000:002D3DC:0C800000:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Energy PL1+PL2:Don't activate until in-game
Heck, I haven't even tested the Timer past the first match, although I've run played the first match plenty of times.
6fps in the debugger tests even my patience :)
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Post by FSYX002 »

; [ P-47 Aces ]
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F836:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Lives PL1
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F842:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Bombs PL1
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F832:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Maximum A Power PL1
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F833:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Maximum S Power PL1
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F834:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Invincibility PL1
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F8B6:00000003:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Lives PL2
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F8C2:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Bombs PL2
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F8B2:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Maximum A Power PL2
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F8B3:00000005:FFFFFFFF:Maximum S Power PL2
:p47aces:00000000:FEE0F8B4:00000009:FFFFFFFF:Invincibility PL2

Sorry, I don't know this code already been found. Please del.
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Post by wayder »

HOME DATA Mahjong Hourouki series and other cheat. :P

Code: Select all

; [ Mahjong Hourouki Part 1 - Seisyun Hen (Japan) ] 
hourouki:0:4118:1B:000:Always winning hand
hourouki:0:4119:1B:500:Always winning hand (02/14)
hourouki:0:411A:1B:500:Always winning hand (03/14)
hourouki:0:411B:1C:500:Always winning hand (04/14)
hourouki:0:411C:1C:500:Always winning hand (05/14)
hourouki:0:411D:1C:500:Always winning hand (06/14)
hourouki:0:411E:1D:500:Always winning hand (07/14)
hourouki:0:411F:1D:500:Always winning hand (08/14)
hourouki:0:4120:1D:500:Always winning hand (09/14)
hourouki:0:4121:1E:500:Always winning hand (10/14)
hourouki:0:4122:1E:500:Always winning hand (11/14)
hourouki:0:4123:1E:500:Always winning hand (12/14)
hourouki:0:4124:1F:500:Always winning hand (13/14)
hourouki:0:409E:1F:500:Always winning hand (14/14)

; [ Mahjong Hourouki Gaiden (Japan) ] 
mhgaiden:0:4118:1B:000:Always winning hand
mhgaiden:0:4119:1B:500:Always winning hand (02/14)
mhgaiden:0:411A:1B:500:Always winning hand (03/14)
mhgaiden:0:411B:1C:500:Always winning hand (04/14)
mhgaiden:0:411C:1C:500:Always winning hand (05/14)
mhgaiden:0:411D:1C:500:Always winning hand (06/14)
mhgaiden:0:411E:1D:500:Always winning hand (07/14)
mhgaiden:0:411F:1D:500:Always winning hand (08/14)
mhgaiden:0:4120:1D:500:Always winning hand (09/14)
mhgaiden:0:4121:1E:500:Always winning hand (10/14)
mhgaiden:0:4122:1E:500:Always winning hand (11/14)
mhgaiden:0:4123:1E:500:Always winning hand (12/14)
mhgaiden:0:4124:1F:500:Always winning hand (13/14)
mhgaiden:0:409E:1F:500:Always winning hand (14/14)

; [ Mahjong Hourouki Okite (Japan) ]
mjhokite:0:410C:1B:000:Always winning hand
mjhokite:0:410D:1B:500:Always winning hand (02/14)
mjhokite:0:410E:1B:500:Always winning hand (03/14)
mjhokite:0:410F:1C:500:Always winning hand (04/14)
mjhokite:0:4110:1C:500:Always winning hand (05/14)
mjhokite:0:4111:1C:500:Always winning hand (06/14)
mjhokite:0:4112:1D:500:Always winning hand (07/14)
mjhokite:0:4113:1D:500:Always winning hand (08/14)
mjhokite:0:4114:1D:500:Always winning hand (09/14)
mjhokite:0:4115:1E:500:Always winning hand (10/14)
mjhokite:0:4116:1E:500:Always winning hand (11/14)
mjhokite:0:4117:1E:500:Always winning hand (12/14)
mjhokite:0:4118:1F:500:Always winning hand (13/14)
mjhokite:0:4098:1F:500:Always winning hand (13/14)

; [ Hana no Mai (Japan) ]
hanamai:0:7C51:63:000:Infinite point
hanamai:0:7C53:01:001:Get Lowest GAL point Now!
hanamai:0:7C65:FF:000:Infinite Power
hanamai:0:7C58:01:000:Always clear flag ON

; [ Hana Yayoi (Japan) ]
hnayayoi:0:790E:99:001:Get Maximum point Now!
hnayayoi:0:790F:99:501:Get Maximum point Now! (2/2)

This cheat is the same thing as being written to my message board. :wink:
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Post by Pugsy »

Code: Select all

; [ Fancy World - Earth of Crisis ]
fncywld:0:FF86A3:09:000:Infinite Lives PL1
fncywld:0:FF864B:00:000:Invincibility PL1
fncywld:0:FF864A:80:540:Invincibility PL1  (2/2)
fncywld:0:FF88A3:09:000:Infinite Lives PL2
fncywld:0:FF884B:00:000:Invincibility PL2
fncywld:0:FF884A:80:540:Invincibility PL2  (2/2)

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Post by Pugsy »

Here's one more....I've amended the above list too to reflect what's in the cheat file on my hard drive (I haven't posted all the cheats I've added though).

Code: Select all

; [ Off Road Challenge ]
offroadc:0:00744AC:00:000:Infinite Time
offroadc:0:00744A8:00:500:Infinite Time (2/2)
:offroadc:00100000:0070630:0000FFFF:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Nitros
offroadc:0:00703D0:00:000:Always be in 1st Place

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Post by Pugsy »

I've just had a look at this game...I see what you mean about the speed with the debugger running..the TRACE was really slow. From some quick tests (that may yet prove to be bollocks) I've noticed that the R7 register holds a value which seems to equate to which Player's energy bar is being decremented when the code below is being executed

With R7=1 PL1's energy bar is being decremented
With R7=0 PL2's energy bar is being decremented

Maybe you could pick an area of memory which is unused, then instead of NOPing the instruction you could branch to some code writen in the unused area of memory which would check the value of R7 and if it's = 0/1 you could do the decrement/not do the decrement and then return back to the original branch off. I'd done a similar thing for a neogeo energy cheat in the past...

U upto the job ? :lol:
Tourniquet wrote:I'm afraid todays submission is pretty rubbish. I've spent quite a while on it and had to give up.
The Infinite Energy cheat is a just a NOP on the following code in RAM.

Code: Select all

000B4EC: LDI   *+AR5(68),R1
000B4ED: CMPI  R0,R1
000B4EE: BGT   $00B4F6
000B4F6: SUBRI *+AR5(68),R0
000B4F7: STI   R0,*+AR5(68)
000B4F7: NOP   R0
Which means it affects both players :(

I can't do a relative address cheat for two reasons.
1. The index moves too, they are stored at the top of RAM, but you need a pointer to the pointer..
2. The TMS32031 uses DWORD addressing, so I need to multiply the address taken from above by 4 at some stage.

Code: Select all

:wargods:00000000:000E884:0000005B:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Time
:wargods:00B00000:002D3DC:0C800000:FFFFFFFF:Infinite Energy PL1+PL2:Don't activate until in-game
Heck, I haven't even tested the Timer past the first match, although I've run played the first match plenty of times.
6fps in the debugger tests even my patience :)

Servicing your cheating needs since 1985 8)

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