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; The following games do not yet have cheats (Infinite Credits does NOT count as
; a cheat) for at least one of the following reasons (not all reasons will be
; used at any one time):-
; 1. The game has not yet been properly emulated by MAME or it crashes when
; I try to play it :-(. Some games which are broken still have cheats -
; however, if it's NOT properly emulated and no good cheats could be found
; then reason 1 will be quoted over all other reasons. I also use this reason
; if I can't figure out the control method or it's too awkward for me to
; waste time figuring out.
; 2. I don't know what cheats to find as the game is hard to understand and is
; perhaps in a another tongue - eg Japanese (not including Mahjong games though).
; Or the the game doesn't appear suitable for cheat finding.
; 3. This is a Mahjong game - I don't do Mahjong games. I'll leave cheat finding on these
; games to other people. In fact if the game's got Mahjong in the title, this reason
; will be quoted above all others apart from reason 1.
; 4. I've got cheat(s) for the game but I haven't had chance to test them or redo
; the cheat description(s).
; 5. The game was added or fixed in one of the last versions and I haven't had chance
; to find any cheats yet. If there is no reason quoted, then it is for this
; reason.
; 6. There are some cheats for this game but they are either Infinite Credits or some
; comment cheats - not 'normally' enough to remove them from this section.
; 7. I've had a quick look at this game and it seems suitable for cheat finding,
; there's RAM set up - but even a simple search for an Infinite Lives cheat
; didn't turn up any cheats after whittling down the locations.... These can
; be taken as a challenge!!!
; 8. Although it is possible to find cheats for this game, unfortunately the cheats
; are not constant. IE The next time you load the game (or even reset it) the
; cheat locations will have changed. This effects a LOT of games, occasionally it
; is possible to find the odd cheat though as some locations maybe constant. This
; dynamic memory location problem is quite prevalent in neo-geo fighter games - and
; there maybe some cheats in the cheat file that don't work and this will be the most
; likely cause. Relative Address (dynamic memory) Cheats can be often be found for
; these but it involves a bit more time to find them, this has been put on the backburner.
; 9. The game was not in the last official releasable beta binary, some of these
; 'unofficial' games have cheats (Metal Slug 4), but this reason is primarily
; for games that are playable and are likely to make it to a beta binary
; release soon. This reason will be rarely used, especially if MAME keeps it release
; rate up!
; 10. Nobody has submitted any cheats for this game and I am so sick and tired of this
; genre I can't motivate myself to find any cheats for this game. However, I
; would expect it to be any easy game to find cheats for and you only have to look
; at games of the same genre to find out which cheats can be found (eg. for baseball
; games look at another baseball game).
; 11. I haven't had chance to look at the game for one reason or another -
; A GET OUT! ;-) I may have had a look at the game in the past but I can't
; remember - I will use this reason in that case too. I'll only use this reason
; if none of the other reasons fit. Expect to see this reason a lot if the cheat
; file doesn't get updated often enough..
; bbprot [ Untitled Fighter 'BB' (prototype) ] <-----------------[Reason 1]
; catapult [ Catapult ] <------------------------------------------[Reason 1]
; crusnw13 [ Cruis'n World (rev L1.3) ] <--------------------------[Reason 1]
; dondenmj [ Don Den Mahjong [BET] (Japan) ] <---------------------[Reason 3]
; greenber [ Green Beret (Irem) ] <--------------------------------[Reason 1]
; hanaroku [ Hanaroku ] <------------------------------------------[Reason 2]
; harddrvc [ Hard Drivin' (compact) ]
; hayaosi1 [ Hayaoshi Quiz Ouza Ketteisen ] <----------------------[Reason 5]
; hdrivaip [ Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype, early rev) ]
; hdrivair [ Hard Drivin's Airborne (prototype) ]
; hnfubuki [ Hana Fubuki [BET] (Japan) ] <-------------------------[Reason 5]
; hnkochou [ Hana Kochou [BET] (Japan) ] <-------------------------[Reason 5]
; korinai [ Mahjong-zukino Korinai Menmen (Japan 880425) ] <--[Reason 4 & 3] (though still needs the standard mahjong cheats!)
; majs101b [ Mahjong Studio 101 [BET] (Japan) ] <------------------[Reason 3]
; mjikaga [ Mahjong Ikaga Desu ka (Japan) ] <------------------[Reason 3 & 1]
; mjkjidai [ Mahjong Kyou Jidai (Japan) ] <------------------------[Reason 3]
; racedriv [ Race Drivin' (cockpit) ]
; racedrv3 [ Race Drivin' (cockpit, rev 3) ]
; racedrvc [ Race Drivin' (compact) ]
; sundance [ Sundance ] <------------------------------------------[Reason 1]
; suzume [ Watashiha Suzumechan (Japan) ] <-------------------[Reason 3 & 1] {seems to be a Mahjong gambling game - days hopefully numbered)
; sws95 [ Super World Stadium '95 (Japan) ]
; targeth [ Target Hits ] <---------------------------------------[Reason 1]
; thoop2 [ TH Strikes Back ] <-----------------------------------[Reason 1]
;Possible clone relationship for games with no cheats