I'm currently using MAME 073 in Retroarch on my Nintendo Switch for portable MAME emulation. MAME 0.73 is supposedly the only up to date core available. I've previously used more up to date versions of MAME on my Android, but Android requires the use of touch screen controls and my switch controllers are more intuitive and user friendly in using MAME.
As MAME 0.73 only supports the "cheat.dat" file, I've tried converting some of the "XML" cheats to use in this older version, but have had no success in getting them to work.
I'm a relative newbie to MAME cheat creation, but I am aware that in the old "cheat.dat" file:
The :39900000: prefix refers to ROM cheats that interact with the RAM addresses in the game code and can activate modes or functions withini the game. (These can be toggled ON or OFF on the MAME cheat menu).
The :00000000: prefix refers to RAM cheats that poke RAM directly and can change lives, health, ammo e.g. elements that changing constantly. (These can operate upon choosing the SET option on the MAME cheat menu).
With this in mind, I've tried converting some of the more recent cheats for NBA JAM into the old cheat.dat format and had no success. Here's a few examples:
Activate Shot % Display (Learning Mode 2)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
:nbajam:39900000:0F1290:00000001:FFFFFFFF:Shot % Display (Learning Mode 2)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
:nbajam:39900000:0F1250:00000008:FFFFFFFF:Power Up Defense
Code: Select all
<action>maincpu.pw@10E59C0=0001|(maincpu.pw@10E59C0 BAND ~0001)</action>
Code: Select all
:nbajam:39900000:600000:00008F8F:00008F8F:P1 Big Head
:nbajam:39900000:0E59C0:00000001:00000001:P1 Big Head (2/2)
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
:nbajam:39900000:0E9A30:00000000:FFFFFFFF:P1 Always On Fire
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
:nbajam:39900000:00FE56:0000CB76:FFFFFFFF:Never Miss A Shot ON
:nbajam:39900000:0102D6:0000C400:FFFFFFFF:Never Miss A Shot ON

I would greatly appreciate anything anyone can tell me.
Thank you.