How to bulk split NES files (tip)

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How to bulk split NES files (tip)

Post by NotAGoodName »

I hope that Google finds this thread.

Ok, you need some stuff.

1) ReadNES3
2) A text editor
3) Media Player Classic or another program that can create M3U (Winamp playlist) files

This is quite simple and effective but also quite ghetto.

Extract all your NES roms to a directory (example: C:\lol) and put a copy of ReadNES3.exe in there as well

Open MPC, show the playlist, and drag all of your NES files to the playlist. (use select all)

Save the playlist as M3U in the directory (C:\lol)

Open the M3U in a text editor and...
Replace all C:\lol with ReadNES3.exe "C:\lol (yes with the quote)

Replace all .nes with .nes"

Rename whatever.M3U to whatever.BAT

Run the bat file

Now, you just wait and you'll have a directory full of split files waiting to be detected by clrmamepro. Depending on your ROM collection, this may take up like 20GB of space. Be sure to have plenty of spare room!
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Re: How to bulk split NES files (tip)

Post by etabeta78 »

Assuming that you refer to split PRG/CHR, there are other ways to obtain this. for instance, if you are capable of building MAME/MESS, you can open

change SPLIT_PRG 0 & SPLIT_CHR 0 to SPLIT_PRG 1 & SPLIT_CHR 1, recompile and create a batch file which runs

Code: Select all

mess nes -cart FILE -str 2
for all FILE in your directory of .nes files (notice that the -str option, which stands for "seconds to run" makes mess quit after 2 emulated seconds)

not much cleaner than your method, but still a valid alternative :)
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