Mahjong Sisters cheat

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Mahjong Sisters cheat

Post by The tECHIDNA »

Thankfully, unlike the head-splitting Visco mahjong games, this one was VERY easy to find cheats for. Thanks, Toaplan! :lol:

Speaking of which, has anybody made any headway with finding cheats for those games? I'll need some pain reliever (not necessarily aspirin!) before I tackle those games again...

Anyway, here's the cheat for Mahjong Sisters...

Code: Select all

mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[The winning hand cheat must]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[be activated when there are]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[14 tiles in your hand, then]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[press the RON key .        ]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[('Z' by default). The tiles]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[do not visually change     ]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[until you make a move.     ]
mjsister:0:7801:31:001:Get winning hand Now!
mjsister:0:7802:31:501:Get winning hand Now! (02/14)
mjsister:0:7803:31:501:Get winning hand Now! (03/14)
mjsister:0:7804:32:501:Get winning hand Now! (04/14)
mjsister:0:7805:32:501:Get winning hand Now! (05/14)
mjsister:0:7806:32:501:Get winning hand Now! (06/14)
mjsister:0:7807:33:501:Get winning hand Now! (07/14)
mjsister:0:7808:33:501:Get winning hand Now! (08/14)
mjsister:0:7809:33:501:Get winning hand Now! (09/14)
mjsister:0:780A:34:501:Get winning hand Now! (10/14)
mjsister:0:780B:34:501:Get winning hand Now! (11/14)
mjsister:0:780C:34:501:Get winning hand Now! (12/14)
mjsister:0:780D:35:501:Get winning hand Now! (13/14)
mjsister:0:780E:35:501:Get winning hand Now! (14/14)
mjsister:0:7801:31:000:Always winning hand
mjsister:0:7802:31:500:Always winning hand (02/14)
mjsister:0:7803:31:500:Always winning hand (03/14)
mjsister:0:7804:32:500:Always winning hand (04/14)
mjsister:0:7805:32:500:Always winning hand (05/14)
mjsister:0:7806:32:500:Always winning hand (06/14)
mjsister:0:7807:33:500:Always winning hand (07/14)
mjsister:0:7808:33:500:Always winning hand (08/14)
mjsister:0:7809:33:500:Always winning hand (09/14)
mjsister:0:780A:34:500:Always winning hand (10/14)
mjsister:0:780B:34:500:Always winning hand (11/14)
mjsister:0:780C:34:500:Always winning hand (12/14)
mjsister:0:780D:35:500:Always winning hand (13/14)
mjsister:0:780E:35:500:Always winning hand (14/14)
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Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2001 1:00 am
Location: Paris, France

Re: Mahjong Sisters cheat

Post by stephh »

The tECHIDNA wrote: Thankfully, unlike the head-splitting Visco mahjong games, this one was VERY easy to find cheats for.
I agree here :) But 2 things surprises me :

- You don't seem to have checked older posts (mainly this one nor my WIP mahjong cheat database (available on my site) :x
- You made the SAME mistakes as the one who previously posted the cheats (AFTER I found them) :roll:
Thanks, Toaplan! :lol:
You make here I guess the same error as MAME Team : the game is (c) Toa Plan (in 2 words) which IMO has NOTHING to do with Toaplan (in 1 word) who released many shoot'em up ...
Speaking of which, has anybody made any headway with finding cheats for those games?
Look at the comments from my WIP mahjong cheat database, and I guess you'll find the various possibilities about how the tiles are coded :)
I'll need some pain reliever (not necessarily aspirin!) before I tackle those games again...
I think I can now "easily" handle this kind of games (even if I still haven't found anything for the Visco games) as I now know how to play them ...

Anyway, thanks for your help which might be needed in the future for the "Flower" games ...

Steph from The Ultimate Patchers

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Post by The tECHIDNA »

But 2 things surprises me :

- You don't seem to have checked older posts (mainly this one nor my WIP mahjong cheat database (available on my site)
Sorry about that, I just came back from Spring Break... :(
- You made the SAME mistakes as the one who previously posted the cheats (AFTER I found them)
Funny thing is, the cheats still worked for me perfectly! :o
Oh well, as long we have the right one from you, it's fine...
You make here I guess the same error as MAME Team : the game is (c) Toa Plan (in 2 words) which IMO has NOTHING to do with Toaplan (in 1 word) who released many shoot'em up ...
NOT an error! :roll:
Visit for a pretty thorough history of most of Toaplan's games (and a list of all Toaplan games released).
Here's a snippet that should clarify "Toa Plan" VS "Toaplan":
Orca's development team set up a new company they named "Clax". Clax only created one game, "Gyrodine" (Taito 1984). This game is the origin of the Toaplan games, but Clax also went bankrupct because of financial difficulties.

The chief programmer and the designer of Orca and the man who made Gyrodine went to one company. The name was "Toa-Kikaku" (which means Toa Planning).

Before the Clax programmers joined Toa-kikaku, they distributed arcade games, and did installing and maintenance, and so on. These three men made started a software development section of Toa-kikaku and it was renamed Toaplan. Tatsuya was approached by Toaplan, but he was finishing a game for another company. After finishing that game he went to work for Toaplan as a musician and programmer.
Note the "Toa Planning", of which the short hand is Toa Plan or Toaplan....
The first known game from Toaplan is ("Jong-Ou" / Mahjong King) from 1984 which was sold to SNK. Toaplan made a couple of more Mahjong games in 1985, ("Jong-Kyuo" / Mahjong Mania) and (Mahjong Sisters).

Toaplan began their long-running work with Taito as a subcontractor, creating a bunch of games like Tiger Heli, Get Star, Mahjong Sisters and Slap Fight etc. These games usually have a TOA entry in the last name of the hiscore table. The first Toa game with Taito is Tiger Heli.

Eventually the Toaplan logo appears on title screens in games, probably starting with Hellfire (1989).
Hopes this clears up that issue, I should probably post this on MAMEtesters...
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Post by stephh »

The tECHIDNA wrote: Here's a snippet that should clarify "Toa Plan" VS "Toaplan":


Hopes this clears up that issue, I should probably post this on MAMEtesters...
Very useful infos ! :)

I think that you should submit an "orange" report to MAME Testers to avoid confusion in the future ... Once it's done, I'll forward it to some Devs to see if the other Toaplan mahjong games are at least dumped ...

Steph from The Ultimate Patchers

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