Speaking of which, has anybody made any headway with finding cheats for those games? I'll need some pain reliever (not necessarily aspirin!) before I tackle those games again...
Anyway, here's the cheat for Mahjong Sisters...
Code: Select all
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[The winning hand cheat must]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[be activated when there are]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[14 tiles in your hand, then]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[press the RON key . ]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[('Z' by default). The tiles]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[do not visually change ]
mjsister:0:0000:00:999:[until you make a move. ]
mjsister:0:7801:31:001:Get winning hand Now!
mjsister:0:7802:31:501:Get winning hand Now! (02/14)
mjsister:0:7803:31:501:Get winning hand Now! (03/14)
mjsister:0:7804:32:501:Get winning hand Now! (04/14)
mjsister:0:7805:32:501:Get winning hand Now! (05/14)
mjsister:0:7806:32:501:Get winning hand Now! (06/14)
mjsister:0:7807:33:501:Get winning hand Now! (07/14)
mjsister:0:7808:33:501:Get winning hand Now! (08/14)
mjsister:0:7809:33:501:Get winning hand Now! (09/14)
mjsister:0:780A:34:501:Get winning hand Now! (10/14)
mjsister:0:780B:34:501:Get winning hand Now! (11/14)
mjsister:0:780C:34:501:Get winning hand Now! (12/14)
mjsister:0:780D:35:501:Get winning hand Now! (13/14)
mjsister:0:780E:35:501:Get winning hand Now! (14/14)
mjsister:0:7801:31:000:Always winning hand
mjsister:0:7802:31:500:Always winning hand (02/14)
mjsister:0:7803:31:500:Always winning hand (03/14)
mjsister:0:7804:32:500:Always winning hand (04/14)
mjsister:0:7805:32:500:Always winning hand (05/14)
mjsister:0:7806:32:500:Always winning hand (06/14)
mjsister:0:7807:33:500:Always winning hand (07/14)
mjsister:0:7808:33:500:Always winning hand (08/14)
mjsister:0:7809:33:500:Always winning hand (09/14)
mjsister:0:780A:34:500:Always winning hand (10/14)
mjsister:0:780B:34:500:Always winning hand (11/14)
mjsister:0:780C:34:500:Always winning hand (12/14)
mjsister:0:780D:35:500:Always winning hand (13/14)
mjsister:0:780E:35:500:Always winning hand (14/14)